Student Blogs

Wait…Break is Over?

November 30th, 2014 akolso17

Hello Everyone!

How is break over already? These last couple of weeks will be BUSY BUSY BUSY! But it does mean we are closer to the end of the semester. Everything wraps up, all the hard work pays off, and when finals are over you can TRULY be on break and re-charge for next semester.

My roommate’s family ‘adopted’ me for Thanksgiving break. It was wonderful to have some home cooked food, shower without flip-flops, and temporarily forget about approaching finals. Over break my roomie and I watched Christmas movies (Frosty the Snowman, Yes Virginia, Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer, etc.), decorated for Christmas, made brownies, and drank hot chocolate. But we mostly just slept and lay around all day. We also went to her town’s Zoo Christmas celebration, ‘Zoo Lights’, with one of her good friends. We even got to see Santa! I wanted to ask him for an early Christmas gift and have him write my history final paper for me, but then I realized that would go against Holy Cross’ Academic Integrity Policy. I guess some things are better when you’ve put the work in yourself.



My roommate’s family wasn’t the only one to offer me their home for the holiday. Many people were ready to welcome me. One thing’s for sure – the HC community is not lacking in kindness.

Well, I’m off to procrastinate, er I mean work on my final papers.

Have a wonderful week!


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Ali Olson '17

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