Student Blogs

Congratulations Class of 2018!

March 28th, 2014 akolso17

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S     C L A S S     O F     2 0 1 8 !

I would like to extend a warm congratulations to accepted students! Some of you already know that Holy Cross is where you will go and others may still be on the fence. As you make your decision, I would just like to share what I love about HoCro.

1) Chaplain’s Office

The Chaplain’s Office offers some wonderful retreats for the times you need a break from the demands of the Hill. There are various spiritual support groups, Masses offered daily, and an inter-denominational worship service is offered every Saturday. For students who wish to partake in a spiritual life on campus, there are plenty of opportunities! However, if you are not religious, don’t worry! Religion is not pushed on anyone and all beliefs are respected. You will not feel out of place!

2) Tough Classes & Helpful Professors

As much as I enjoy complaining about the amount of homework I have, I appreciate that my degree will mean something. Classes have challenged and pushed me, but the kind and helpful professors have always been there to help me get through difficulties. Professors are THE BEST resource!

3) The Students

If you’ve visited you’ve probably sensed this, but the overall Holy Cross students are driven, friendly, and polite. ‘Sader Nation is seriously the best.

4) Volunteer Opportunities

Holy Cross truly lives by its motto of being “Men and Women for Others.” So many students volunteer and there are so many different opportunities. You can have some wonderful experiences!

5) The Jesuits

If you get to know them, there are some wonderful priests on campus. They can provide wise advice and guidance if you seek them out. Also, the Jesuits have a great sense of humor!

6) The Chalupas

The food on campus can get a little repetitive, but there are plenty of options. The best option? Chalupas from Lower Kimball. I seriously missed them over winter break. Like, midnight craving missed.

7) Boston/Providence

On Fridays and Saturdays Holy Cross offers a free shuttle to Boston and Providence. There are plenty of things to do in these wonderful cities!

8) Opportunities

My favorite “First World Problem?” Holy Cross simply has too many opportunities. It seems every day I have a stack of reading, a club event, a lecture, class, and time with friends. It’s practically impossible to choose from all that is offered. Why can’t I do everything?!

9) Beautiful Campus

This campus is stunning. In sun, rain, and snow I relax by simply walking across campus. It’s quite peaceful. The hills, while annoying, give you some pretty killer calf muscles. Also, the sunrises, sunsets, and views of Worcester are breath-taking.

10) Class Size

There are enough students that you don’t know everyone, but few enough that you’ll surely end up bumping into your friends wherever you go! Also, classes are small, so you get to know your professors really well.

There are plenty more reasons, but this post is already quite long! I hope you will strongly consider attending the Accepted Students Open House and/or doing a day/night visit. It’s a great time to meet other perspective students and learn more about the Hill. Also, check out the Holy Cross Class of 2018 Facebook page. You can ask questions and hear from your future classmates!

Congratulations once again!


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