Student Blogs

Summer 2K14

August 7th, 2014 akolso17

Hello Everyone!

Sorry I haven’t posted in so long! My summer has moved at glacial speed. As much as I enjoy being home, I miss The Hill.

My first week of vacation was spent in Washington D.C. with my parents. My dad, a Vietnam Vet, attended the National Quads, Dusters, and Searchlights Annual Reunion. A highlight of my week was marching down Constitutional Avenue in the National Memorial Day Parade. The reunion allowed me to witness how people can be healed through camaraderie with those who have experienced similar trauma.

I also had two smaller trips this summer. My dad and I went to Minneapolis to shop at the Mall of America and watch a Twins Game at the beautiful Target Field. Then, I went to Omaha with my mother and sisters for a Girls’ Shopping Weekend. It was a lot of fun, but would have been more so if I had money to spend. Agh. #BrokeCollegeStudentProblems

When I returned home, I was promptly enlisted to help my mom with “Spring Cleaning.” We went through the basement (Oh, the horror!) and donated things we no longer use. By and large it was a terribly boring chore, but I did find a few interesting items. So if you need a textbook on how to operate Windows 97 or a pamphlet on “What Your Bank is doing to Protect You During Y2K”…well too bad because we just got rid of them.

I have also spent a great deal of time with my nieces and nephews. Babysitting was probably the highlight of my summer because I was able to play with Legos, eat Mac & Cheese with hotdogs, go to the water park, watch the Lego Movie, go to the park, and participate in plenty of things that I’m usually considered “too old” (pshhh yeah right!) to do.

I hope you all enjoyed your summers, wherever they were spent!


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